Any acquaintance is considered incomplete if you remember the name of your opponent, but did not reach the final goal, our CONSULTING CENTER guarantees you that you will not only remember the name of our employee, but also achieve a logical result!
Our business is a Wide Range of Consulting Services that we offer! Let's simplify the task a little.... Each of us, at least once in our lives, faced a choice, - what should you do, and most importantly, what should you do with the various amounts of funds at your disposal?
- where can I get an accurate consultation? - how to develop a plan and define a start-up and development strategy? - where can I find qualified personnel? And so on....
Many people act in a proven way-they carry money to a commercial bank, while some also prefer glass banks. Someone will use the first unverified information, and entrust their funds, thoughts, to almost random people. We suggest you remember the proverb - 'money loves silence', and entrust your plans to a team of specialists! Our company does not pursue the goal of taking a client - sell an investment, project (any of the selected business objects) – make a profit – forget about the client, We grow together with our client → develop with the client → from client to client!
Our offers are divided by, - types of investment, * residential real estate / the opportunity to buy an apartment (s), a house, use it as just an investment, and the subject of legitimate profit, renting it out, in the high, tourist season (for example), * commercial real estate / acquisition, with subsequent leasing of what we call office space, shops, etc. * ready-made business / acquisition of an existing business, with a guaranteed percentage of profitability, * franchise * construction / acquisition of a land plot, with subsequent construction, and (if necessary) guaranteed term and cost of its implementation * renting a business / what is called “traspaso” in Spain, by purchasing the right to rent any type of activity (bar, restaurant, service station, etc.) together with the equipment, you pay only rent, and you have the opportunity to manage the investment object yourself (or with our help) - at a minimum price, * the minimum investment value is about 50-60 000 €
- support and consultation of projects of various complexity, * where should I start? * how do I register correctly? * how do I make the simplest plan? * how do I get funding? We can guarantee that you will contact us, - a convenient interest rate of financing, - a documented indicator of the profitability of the selected investment - accurate calculation, adaptation, and implementation of the selected business plan - necessary professional advice - recruitment of personnel, or service based on outsourcing (outstaffing)
Procedure (general regulations) Our communication is very simple, 1) You can contact Us by any available method (phone, e-mail, personal visit, call a specialist, etc.) 2) We provide you with a general survey form in which we localize the range of your interests, 3) We provide you with an intermediate response, indicating the' blocks ' and the cost of each of them! For Our company, there are no restrictions in the selection and list of services for Our clients.
+34 692 218 714
Carrer Narcis Fors 9, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona, Spain